Tuesday 3 September 2019

Amazing psychological facts #2

1. Smile – Smiling is 69% more attractive than wearing makeup.

2.Insomnia – The world record time without sleep is 264 hours.

3. Brain Structure – There are 100 billion neurons in the brain.

4. Pre-Historic Man – Our brain size has fallen 10% in mass since we were hunter gatherers..

5.Brain Weight – The human brain weighs 1300-1400g which is proportionately more for body size than any other species.

6. Short Term Memory – Working memory can hold 7+/- 2 pieces of information.

7. Colour Productivity – People are often more productive in blue rooms

8.Olfactory Memory – Your sense of smell is the sense which is best attached to your memory.

9.Stress Memory – A small amount of stress helps you to remember things better but a large amount hinders your memory.

10.Talk – Men say approximately 12,500 words per day whereas women say 22,000.

11. Primal Urges – The pursuit of food and water is the most powerful motivator.

12.Colour Blindness – 9% of men and 0.5% of women are colour blind.

13. Scientific Discovery – In 1909, a scientist by the name of Thomas H. Morgan discovered that chromosomes contained inherited information.

14.Creativity – We are most creative at night and least creative in the afternoons.

15. Baby Empathy – People are more likely to return a lost wallet if there is a baby picture found inside of it.

16. Blue-The colour blue causes the brain to release relaxing hormones.

 17. Emotions – The only innate emotions are joy, acceptance, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation. Other more complicated emotions like love and guilt are believed to be combinations of these. 

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